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Thank You From the Manasota Key Association
Posted on Jun 12th, 2011

In June the last stragglers among the snowbirds, most somewhat reluctantly, head north. Although we look forward to reconnecting with family and old friends , -- and avoiding the worst of the summer heat -- it is always hard to leave this beautiful island we all call home. And for our full time residents, June represents the start of a more relaxed period. The social schedule slows, restaurants are welcoming and a trip to Sarasota can be made in little time and with less stress. For most of us, therefore, June marks the end of “ the season “.
June also seems an appropriate time to say thank you to the members of the Manasota Key Association. Many of you attend MKA luncheons, meetings, or social events. Some work on committees, or volunteer to help with road clean up, or other Association activities. Others simply renew their membership annually, increasing our numbers and our profile with elected officials. All are important to the success of the Manasota Key Association and to the lifestyle we enjoy on Manasota Key.
The Officers and Directors of the MKA appreciate your support. We welcome your input on how we might do a better job and solicit your help in reaching out to friends and neighbors who are not currently members of our Association. The object of the MKA, as stated in our By Laws is to “ ..... promote the general interests of property owners on Manasota Key ..... with particular respect to its status as part of a State of Florida Conservation District “. As Officers and Directors, we will do our best to fulfill that objective.
Have a great summer. Remember to check the website ( mkahoa.org ) regularly for news and updates. And we thank you again for being an important part of our Association.
Manasota Key Association